Results for 'Vladimir Petrovitch Vasiliev'

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  1.  9
    Post-pandemic Trends in the Development of Social State Institutions.Vladimir Petrovitch Vasiliev - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):480-493.
    The article analyzes the new conditions and institutions of socio-economic dynamics developing under the influence of COVID-19 and overcoming its consequences. New directions of the macro-management system are actualized by the economic recession that arose under the influence of COVID-19 and the previous depressive rates of economic growth. Social conditions and tensions have predetermined the growth of the state's participation in socio-economic development, the formation of new institutional trends. Transformation of public administration institutions is due to the long-term influence of (...)
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    International Rankings of Macro-Social Dynamics.Vladimir Petrovich Vasiliev - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):252-266.
    The implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Lisbon Strategy sets the task of a comprehensive study of the citizens` well-being, determining the state and trends in the level and quality of life not only by traditional methods of social statistics, but also through comprehensive sociological research. This approach has significant advantages since it allows us to generalize the state of social development of a society based on the population`s opinions, to study the emerging social risks that concern (...)
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  3. Vasiliev’s Clue to Mourdoukhay-Boltovskoy’s Hypersyllogistic.Vladimir Vasyukov - 2017 - In Dmitry Zaitsev & Vladimir Markin, The Logical Legacy of Nikolai Vasiliev and Modern Logic. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  4. Imaginary logic-2: Formal reconstruction of the unnoticed Nikolai vasiliev's logical system.Vladimir Markin & Dmitry Zaitsev - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45 (178):39-54.
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    The Logical Legacy of Nikolai Vasiliev and Modern Logic.Dmitry Zaitsev & Vladimir Markin (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume offers a wide range of both reconstructions of Nikolai Vasiliev’s original logical ideas and their implementations in the modern logic and philosophy. A collection of works put together through the international workshop "Nikolai Vasiliev’s Logical Legacy and the Modern Logic," this book also covers foundations of logic in the light of Vasiliev’s contradictory ontology. Chapters range from a look at the Heuristic and Conceptual Background of Vasiliev's Imaginary Logic to Generalized Vasiliev-style Propositions. It (...)
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    Linguista, teórico da literatura, poeta e enxadrista. Em memória do professor Nikolai Vassíliev.Svetlana A. Dubrovskaya, Oleg E. Osovsky & Vladimir I. Laptun - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (2):183-192.
    RESUMO No artigo, apresenta-se um panorama da vida e da obra do professor, filólogo e cientista russo N. Vassíliev, com ênfase em sua contribuição para os estudos bakhtinianos internacionais. A longa convivência e parceria dos autores com N. Vassíliev permite-lhes não só desenhar o perfil de um pesquisador sério das humanidades, mas também mostrar seu mundo de paixões pessoais e o papel de sua biografia na escolha do núcleo de suas pesquisas científicas: a problemática dos estudos bakhtinianos. Dedica-se atenção especial (...)
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    Smirnov Vladimir Alexandrovich.Владимир Шалак - 2024 - Philosophical Anthropology 10 (1):167.
    Smirnov Vladimir Alexandrovich is an outstanding Soviet and Russian philosopher and logician. His main areas of interest were syllogistics, Vasiliev's logic, proof theory, modal-temporal logics, logic and methodology of science. The result of his scientific and pedagogical activity was the emergence of an independent school of logic, which is strongly associated with his name. His numerous students currently continue to work in various fields of logic, continuing the traditions of their teacher. V.A. Smirnov's editorial and scientific publishing activities (...)
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  8. Imaginary logic-2: Formal reconstruction of the unnoticed Nikolai vasiliev's logical system* Vladimir Markin and Dmitry Zaitsev.Logique A. Analyse - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45:39.
  9.  14
    Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Critical Comments on A Reactionary Philosophy.Vladimir Il'ich Lenin - 1948 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House. Edited by A. Fineberg & [From Old Catalog].
    This text is a classic of Lenin - his essay explores materialism and its relation to capitalism and how Communism can get over this psychological wish for material and empirical ownership.
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    Parameterfree Comprehension Does Not Imply Full Comprehension in Second Order Peano Arithmetic.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-16.
    The parameter-free part PA2\textbf{PA}_2^* of PA2\textbf{PA}_2, second order Peano arithmetic, is considered. We make use of a product/iterated Sacks forcing to define an ω\omega -model of PA2+CA(Σ21)\textbf{PA}_2^*+ \textbf{CA}(\Sigma ^1_2), in which an example of the full Comprehension schema CA\textbf{CA} fails. Using Cohen’s forcing, we also define an ω\omega -model of PA2\textbf{PA}_2^*, in which not every set has its complement, and hence the full CA\textbf{CA} fails in a rather elementary way.
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  11.  44
    Electrophysiological and phenomenological effects of short-term immersion in an altered sensory environment.Vladimir Miskovic, Jeffrey O. Bagg, Matthew Ríos & Jourdan J. Pouliot - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:39-49.
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    The Dramatic True Story of the Frame Default.Vladimir Lifschitz - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (2):163-176.
    This is an expository article about the solution to the frame problem proposed in 1980 by Raymond Reiter. For years, his “frame default” remained untested and suspect. But developments in some seemingly unrelated areas of computer science—logic programming and satisfiability solvers—eventually exonerated the frame default and turned it into a basis for important applications.
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  13.  28
    The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering.Vladimir Kanovei & Vassily Lyubetsky - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102929.
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    Redundancy matters: Flexible learning of multiple contingencies in infants.Vladimir M. Sloutsky & Christopher W. Robinson - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):156-164.
  15.  12
    Le paradoxe de la morale.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1981
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    The vision of God.Vladimir Lossky - 1963 - Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press.
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  17.  36
    (1 other version)Les vertus et l'amour.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1968 - Bordas.
    Le tome 2 du Traité des vertus, intitulé Les Vertus et l'Amour, est consacré à la description des " vertus ", depuis celle du commencement jusqu'à celle de la terminaison, en passant par celles de la continuation et de la conservation. Il distingue en outre deux plans tout à fait hétérogènes : celui des vertus de l'intervalle, que l'homme peut " posséder " et " garder ", mais qui, à peine acquises, tournent en mécanique vertueuse, radotage, complaisance pharisienne et hypocrisie (...)
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  18. Fuzzy Concepts and Relations between Them.Vladimir Kuznetsov - 2006 - In М Попович, Problems of Mentality Theory. pp. 163-197.
    It is proposed to analyze fuzzy concepts and relations between them in the frame of triplet concept modeling. Fuzzy concepts are introduced by means of the so-called fuzzification of dichotomous concepts. The cognitive and psychological aspects of concept possession are separated and studied.
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  19. Od jazyka k logice. : [From language to logic].Vladimír Svoboda & Jaroslav Peregrin - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58:281-287.
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    K pojmu nutnosti a náhodnosti (bytí jsoucího); II. část.Vladimír Kyprý - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-11.
    Tato stať se zabývá implicitním vztahem pojmu nutnosti a náhodnosti (bytí jsoucího) a pojmu zákona (bytí jsoucího) v Marxově filosofii spjaté (svázané) s explicitním vztahem pojmu nutnosti a náhodnosti (bytí lidsky jsoucího v ekonomicko-společenské bytné sféře) a pojmu zákona (bytí lidsky jsoucího v ekonomicko-společenské bytné sféře) v Marxově politické ekonomii a ukazuje její ontologicko-nomologické přednosti, poukazujíc však na její antropologicko-ontologické nedostatky, spjaté zvláště s jejím historicismem (s "bídou historicismu").
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    Structuring the universe of universal logic.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 2007 - Logica Universalis 1 (2):277-294.
    . How, why and what for we should combine logics is perfectly well explained in a number of works concerning this issue. But the interesting question seems to be the nature and the structure of the general universe of possible combinations of logical systems. Adopting the point of view of universal logic in the paper the categorical constructions are introduced which along with the coproducts underlying the fibring of logics describe the inner structure of the category of logical systems. It (...)
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  22.  54
    Logically Incorrect Arguments.Vladimír Svoboda & Jaroslav Peregrin - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (3):263-287.
    What do we learn when we find out that an argument is logically incorrect? If logically incorrect means the same as not logically correct, which in turn means not having a valid logical form, it seems that we do not learn anything too useful—an argument which is logically incorrect can still be conclusive. Thus, it seems that it makes sense to fix a stronger interpretation of the term under which a logically incorrect argument is guaranteed to be wrong. In this (...)
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  23.  6
    Contemporary Bourgeois Legal Thought: A Marxist Evaluation of the Basic Concepts.Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tumanov - 1974 - Progress Publishers.
  24.  20
    Nadine Dobrovolskaïa‐Zavadskaïa and the dawn of developmental genetics.Vladimir Korzh & David Grunwald - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):365-371.
    In one of the first genetic screens aimed at identifying induced developmental mutants, Nadine Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa, working at the Pasteur Laboratory in the 1920s, isolated and characterized a mutation affecting Brachyury, a gene that regulates tail and axial development in the mouse. Dobrovolskaïa-Zavadskaïa's analysis of Brachyury and other mutations affecting tail development were among the earliest attempts to link gene action with a tissue-specific developmental process in a vertebrate. Her analyses of genes that interacted with Brachyury led to the discovery of (...)
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    Berdyaev on Dostoevsky: Theodicy and Freedom.Vladimir K. Kantor - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 53 (4):324-337.
    The author examines the key philosophical problem of theodicy and freedom as it was first formulated by Fyodor Dostoevsky and later developed by Nikolai Berdyaev.
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    Causation, Interpretation and Omniscience: A Note on Davidson's Epistemology.Vladimír Svoboda & Tim Crane - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (2):117-127.
    In 'A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge', Donald Davidson argues that it is not possible for us to be massively mistaken in our beliefs. The argument is based on the possibility of an omniscient interpreter who uses the method of radical interpretation to attribute beliefs, since an omniscient interpreter who uses this method will attribute largely true beliefs to those he is inteipreting. In this paper we investigate some of the assumptions behind this argument, and we argue that these (...)
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  27. Two Definitions of Contingency and the Concept of Knowledge.Vladimir Drekalović - 2014 - Prolegomena 13 (1):123-140.
    This paper analyses two definitions of contingency. Both definitions have been widely accepted and used as to identify contingent events. One of them is primarily of a philosophical character, whereas the other is more commonly used in mathematics. Evidently, these two definitions do not describe the same set of phenomena, and neither of them determines the completely intuitive notion of contingency.Namely, carefully selected examples testify that the first definition is too narrow and the second too wide. These facts have certain (...)
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  28. Plotin, Ennéades, I, 3. Sur la dialectique.Vladimir Jankélévitch, Lucien Jerphagnon, J. Lagrée & F. Schwab - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (4):510-511.
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    Od polovzdělanosti k nevzdělanosti.Vladimír Kyprý - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-21.
    Tato stať - recenze - "Od polovzdělanosti k nevzdělanosti" - se zabývá knihou K. P. Liessmanna "Teorie nevzdělanosti"; v jejích stopách promýšlí a domýšlí tyto otázky: 1. Jaký je dřívější zakládající a zacilující vztah k ideji vzdělanosti? 2. Jaký je nynější vztah k ideji vzdělanosti, zakládající se mimo ni a zacilující se proti ní? 3. Jaká je zakládající a zacilující antiidea dnešního "vzdělávání"? 4. Jaká je zakládající a zacilující antiidea "vzdělávání" v dnešních "vzdělávacích institucích", zvláště pak ve školách jako "vzdělávacích (...)
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    Antidiodorean logics and the brentano-husserl's conception of time.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (3):373-388.
    In some systems of Legniewskian Ontology were introduced as a toolkit for Husserl's and Meinong's theory of objects. Here such consi- deration is extended to Brentano-Husserl's theory of time. So-called antidiodo- rean logics are used as the foundations of the approach undertaken.
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    Categorial semantics for ajdukievvicz-Lambek calculus.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 1995 - In Vito Sinisi & Jan Woleński, The heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Rodopi. pp. 40--321.
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    Non-Elementary Exegesis of Twardowski's Theory of Presentation.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 1998 - In Katarzyna Kijania-Placek & Jan Woleński, The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy. Dordrecht and Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 153--167.
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    Neural networks ensembles approach for simulation of solar arrays degradation process.Vladimir Bukhtoyarov, Eugene Semenkin & Andrey Shabalov - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 186--195.
  34.  45
    Linguistic problems in recent social research.Vladimir Cervin - 1956 - Synthese 10 (1):279 - 281.
  35.  39
    Tehnologija kao oblikovateljica ljudske kulture: društvene i psihološke posljedice.Vladimir Davčev & Elena Ačkovska-leškovska - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):75-82.
    Iznimni utjecaj tehnologije na ljudski život oduvijek je bio paradoksalan. Primjerice, tehnologija je jedan od činitelja koji pridonosi neizvjesnosti budućnosti uslijed unutarnje proturječnosti tehničkog sustava i društva. Naime, što je tehnologija moćnija to je svijet uznemireniji. Pojedini autori izražavaju mišljenje da je upravo tehnodiskurs u stvari diskurs čovječnosti i način njezina poboljšanja. Unatoč ovome, pojedini autori, humanisti prije svega, misle da se tehnologija može ispuniti tradicionalnim vrijednostima. U stvari, oni smatraju da današnja kultura ima samo djelatnu vrijednost odjeljenu od tradicije (...)
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    Interpolative Boolean Networks.Vladimir Dobrić, Pavle Milošević, Aleksandar Rakićević, Bratislav Petrović & Ana Poledica - 2017 - Complexity:1-15.
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    Benacerraf o matematičkom znanju.Vladimir Drekalović - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (1):97-121.
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    Can Arguments of Formal Naturalism be used to Show that the Mathematical Explanation is Indispensable in Science?Vladimir Drekalović - 2016 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 36 (3):545-559.
  39. Formirovanie ideĭnoĭ ubezhdennosti i nravstvennoe vospitanie trudi︠a︡shchikhsi︠a︡.Vladimir Tikhonovich Efimov - 1974
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  40. Sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ determinizm i moralʹ: [ucheb. posobie dli︠a︡ filos. fak. un-tov].Vladimir Tikhonovich Efimov - 1974 - Moskva: Vyssh. shkola.
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  41. Zakon z︠h︡ytti︠a︡ budivnykiv komunizmu.Vladimir Tikhonovich Efimov - 1963
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    Filosofski rechnik sŭvremenni filosofi XIX-XX vek shkoli, napravlenii︠a︡.Vladimir Petrovich Filatov - 1993 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo GAL-IKO. Edited by V. S. Malakhov.
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    Klasični njemački idealizam: i odabrani tekstovi filozofa.Vladimir Filipović - 1982 - Zagreb: Nakl. zavod Matice hrvatske.
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    Politicheskiye diffusii v usloviyakh prostranstvenno-gibridnogo rejhima: institutsional noe stroitel stvo i vybory merov v gorodakh Rossii.Vladimir Gelman & T. V. Lankina - 2007 - Polis 6:86-109.
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    Ordinea universală în sistemele naturale.Vladimir Iacovlev - 2016 - Chișinău: [Publisher Not Identified]. Edited by Alexandru Gherasi.
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  46. Funkt︠s︡ii materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki.Vladimir Georgievich Ivanov & V. P. Rozhin (eds.) - 1980 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  47. Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika kak teorii︠a︡ razvitii︠a︡.Vladimir Georgievich Ivanov (ed.) - 1982 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    The Prison of the Mind. Growing up with Myths in Communist Romania.Vladimir Ivanovici - 2017 - Convivium 4 (1):128-141.
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    Climates as commodities: Jean Pierre Purry and the modelling of the best climate on Earth.Vladimir Jankovic - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (3):201-207.
  50. Introduction à une Philosophie du.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1959 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 15 (2):211-213.
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